

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) enables low-income families to reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient. Funds are used to improve the energy performance as well as the health and safety of dwellings of families in need using the most advanced technologies and testing procedures available in the housing industry.

Services provided by our Weatherization Program may include water heater insulation, attic insulation, floor insulation, venting, heating/cooling, and system inspection.  

Weatherization Assistance Income Program Eligibility Limits Effective 7/1/2022, Virginia Department of Housing and Community development. In accordance with Weatherization Program Notice 22-3, the State may use the LIHEAP limit of 60% of State Median Income (SMI) but not lower than 200% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL). According to LIHEAP Information Memoranda 2023-03, the Virginia State median income currently is $114,081. Sixty percent (60%) of SMI is higher for households of 8 or less. For households of 9 or more, 200% of poverty (FPL) is greater. For households exceeding 12 persons, add $9,440 to the income limit for each additional person.

Weatherization Application

Application may be submitted in person or by fax or email.


Stacy Cressel

Weatherization Program Manager/Energy Auditor

276-783-7337 ext. 3


Christy Barr

Housing Specialist

276-783-7337 ext. 5

Learn more about the Weatherization Assistance!

We serve Smyth, Wythe & Bland counties.Program by watching the video below!


Video Source: The Department of Energy, “The Weatherization Assistance Program: 40 Years of Improving Homes and Lives”

For a list of Weatherization providers, please click on the link below: